Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the beautiful and hard-working mom's (especially mine!!).  

Being apart of the "infertile club" these days,  Mother's Day mean's so much more to me than flowers,  Mother's Day brunches and commercialized gifts.  I could be sad and depressed, even bitter about the fact that I'm not yet a mother and I won't be receiving breakfast in bed or cute, homemade Mother's Day cards made from glitter and macaroni this year.   But I'm not - because I realize now more than ever the blessing that being a mother truly is and that it shouldn't be taken for granted - EVER.    

Being a mother is life's greatest work and those chosen to fulfill this journey should be appreciated every day of the year, not just on Mother's Day.  Because of a mother's love, we all exist.  We were first nurtured and kept safe in our mother's wombs.  Then we were birthed by our mom's as they endured labor pains and sacrificed comfort for a the ultimate gift of bringing a child into the world. They endured many nights of interrupted sleep (or no sleep at all), crying, anxiety, and new motherhood feelings.  They then taught us how to read, write, go pee pee and boo boo, clothe and bathe ourselves.  As we got older they comforted us and wiped our tears away and kissed our boo boos, never once complaining.  As adults, mother's let us go to experience life for ourselves but remain close and continue to comfort us when we come running back when we as realize life is uncertain and unforgiving (and downright cruel).  Mother's endure hurt feelings, abandonment,misunderstanding...but they continue to love us unconditionally.

So even though I haven't experienced these motherly tasks yet, I do appreciate my mom more and more each day for her unconditional love for me and I look forward (optimistically) to the moment when I can share my love, unconditionally, to my own children.  In God's time.